Has nicer weather inspired you to find ways to make your home more comfortable, attractive and environmentally sustainable while increasing its value? One feature that can achieve all these goals is a healthy lawn. Installing and maintaining a natural turf lawn is one...
5 Ways to Make Your Outdoor Space Stand Out
When the calendar flips to the summer months, all you can think about is getting outside and soaking up the sun. But when you look out the window into your yard, what do you see? Is it an inviting space that encourages you to get out and enjoy the fresh air? Or could...
The Case for In-Ground Lawn Sprinkler Systems
Highlighting the benefits of lawn irrigation should fuel the argument for the installation of a reliable lawn irrigation system. Any avid gardener knows that water is a source of life and vitally important if you want lush lawn growth. It helps in the dissolving of...
Boost Your Garden with Raised Beds & Planter Boxes
What’s stopping you from gardening today? Do you live in an urban area, have a small yard or is your soil rocky and full of clay? Any of these challenges could make you believe that planting a garden simply isn’t in the plans this year, but that doesn’t have to be the...
Make Your Backyard Fun for Kids This Summer
When summer arrives do you see even less of your kids than you did during the school year? Too many American children, tweens and teens spend those extra hours of free time indoors playing with technology, rather than engaging in healthful activity outside. Even when...
Tips For Growing A Water Conservative Garden
Families can decorate their homes with colorful flowers and bring healthy, home-grown foods to the table with gardens. Gardening, however, can use quite a bit of water, and in states struck by drought it’s important to conserve as much water as possible. Here are some...
4 Upgrades to Make Your Home Water Efficient
Low rainfall and lack of snow melt, along with record high temperatures have contributed to the worst drought California has seen in decades. In fact, some studies suggest it’s the worst the state has seen in 1,000 years, but California isn’t the only state suffering...
Outdoor Entertaining
The end of cold weather signals the change of seasons, a move from indoor to outdoor activities and the perfect time to throw a great party. But before eagerly sending out those first invites, take a few moments to prepare for your upcoming event by following these...
Old Fuel Can Be Hard On Lawn Mowers
Nothing says summer like neighborhoods coming alive with the sounds of lawn mowers and the smell of fresh-cut grass. But getting the lawn mower out of the shed and running properly can be a struggle early in the season. You turn the key and the riding lawn mower roars...